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The 16th Arts Ambassadors-in-School Scheme Call for Nomination Now! (Deadline extended to: 5 February, 2024)

本頁圖片/檔案 - 16th_2024_website


Since its launch in 2008, the Arts Ambassadors-in-School Scheme (AAiSS) has amassed around 16,000 ambassadors from primary, secondary and special schools. A variety of arts activities is organised for arts ambassadors to demonstrate their talents and explore the possibility of arts. AAiSS encourages arts ambassadors to share the joy of artistic creation with their peers in order to live out the cooperative spirit of ‘Live in Art, Thrive in Sharing’.


With the theme of “Chinese Traditional Culture x Modern Arts”, AAiSS in its 16th edition will continue to organise an array of fabulous arts activities for arts ambassadors to explore and learn about traditional Chinese culture, bridging the past and present while fostering creativity.


To join the scheme, each school can nominate two arts ambassadors via the online system.


Arts Activities of the 16th edition
Youth Arts Week (Core Activity)

Youth Arts Week will host an array of arts activities including opening ceremony, arts exhibition, workshops and bazaar in summer, allowing arts ambassadors to experience the joy of arts creation with friends.


本頁圖片/檔案 - CLH05816本頁圖片/檔案 - HLK03838本頁圖片/檔案 - CLH05560


Activities included:

  • Multi-disciplinary Arts Exhibition and Training
  • Docent Training - arts ambassadors will receive training to become docents of the exhibition, playing a key role in explaining the curatorial concept and exhibits to the audience. Arts ambassadors will be able to learn from the artists and deepen their understanding of the creative concept of the exhibits and the operation of an exhibition, broadening their artistic horizon.
  • Arts Bazaar – to invite past ambassadors to participate the bazaar, organise workshops and act as a tutor.


本頁圖片/檔案 - CLH03675本頁圖片/檔案 - CLH04686本頁圖片/檔案 - HLK03189


Creative+ Arts Camp (Core Activity)

"Creative+ Arts Camp" is another core activity which will be held during Easter holiday in 2024. Through workshops of different art forms including visual arts, drama, dance and music, arts ambassadors can experience different types of artistic creations. Arts ambassadors from different schools are encouraged to exchange and create their works through observing the community.


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Arts Enhancement Courses

To encourage arts ambassadors to participate in different arts activities, a new edition of Arts Training Enhancement Courses will be held between February and July 2024. Please stay tuned with the details announced on the scheme website.


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Arts Buddies (Secondary School Division Only)

Jointly organised by the Education Bureau, Hong Kong Heritage Museum and Hong Kong Arts Development Council, “Arts Buddies” will allow arts ambassadors to gain an in-depth understanding of arts and culture, as well as the works of local artists through a series of arts programmes including arts appreciation course, conservation talk and curation of exhibition workshop.


Details: https://bit.ly/3sVAYtl


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Arts and Cultural Exchange Tour

In collaboration with the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People's Republic of China, an Arts and Cultural Exchange Tour will be organised during summer holiday, to facilitate the exchange between the arts ambassadors and local students and allow arts ambassadors to expand their horizons by learning and experiencing the rich culture of China.


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  • The nomination process has gone online. Each school can nominate 2 students and have maximum 2 teacher-in-charge.
  • For past participating schools, you may login the system to complete the procedures. Login details can be found on the invitation letter.
  • For newly-joined schools, please contact Ms Jessie Kwok at 3959 3568 or via email (jessie_kwok@hkadc.org.hk) to obtain the login details.


Nomination Requirements
  • Criteria of nomination: strong interest in arts, proactive, willingness to share and readiness to serve the society with artistic talents.
  • Student's artistic expertise: expertise in any art form is welcome.


Activity Allowance

Ambassadors who are financially in need can apply for the allowance to subsidise travel expenses, admission fees and other expenses for participating in arts activities.



  • All nominated students from special schools.
  • Nominated students who are eligible for "Comprehensive Social Security Assiatance (CSSA) Scheme" or "Working Family Allowance Scheme" (Low-income Working Family Allowance Scheme) can apply for a $500 activity allowance. Eligible students should submit relevant supporting documents via the online nomination system.
  • Students who are solely eligible for School Textbook Assistance Scheme (Full grant/ Half grant), Student Travel Subsidy or Subsidy Scheme for Internet Access Charges are not qualified for the allowance.


Subsidy will be disbursed via autopay after students have completed the compulsory arts activities and the nominating teacher has confirmed the fulfilment of pledges on promoting arts in school by the end of academic year. 



All nominated ambassadors should fulfill the following requirements within the academic year in order to obtain a certificate:


  • Promote arts at school as the fulfilment of pledges and being confirmed by the nominating teachers.
  • Attend two core activities.
  • Ambassadors who are unable to attend the compulsory activities are required to submit documents to the HKADC Administration Office within one month after the event:
    • Leave Application Letter with teacher’s signature and school chop, and
    • Arts performance/ exhibition review according to the requirements.


Launch Scheme BookletNomination Guideline | Online Nomination


New Nomination Deadline: 5 February, 2024 (Monday)


Enquiry: 3959 3568 / 2820 1046